Learning Story Logs
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Last updated
Story Logs allow you to access a detailed account of every user's interaction with a story.
Open Analytics, open a Story, and access the Logs section from the left-hand menu. View more detailed (and archived) logs by selecting the options icon on the log, and then selecting View Log.
Story Logs allow you to see the state/progress of each user.
Indicates that the user is busy doing the story for the first time.
In Progress
Indicates that the user has started the story.
This indicates that the user has completed the story (this will show in the export data).
Old logs of previous story versions that a user has completed. Logs are archived once a user completes a newer version of a story.
Whenever a user chooses to Redo a story, their progress will be reset. Results from the redo will overwrite the user's previous log, and old logs will be archived.
View Log
View an individual user's story log
Force Complete
If you want to set the user's status to "complete"
Delete Story Data
If you want to remove the user's recorded data based on their interaction with the story
Delete App Data
If you want to remove the user's recorded data from their interaction with a platform app
To export the story logs, simply select the export icon (top right) from the Logs section.
User's first name(s)
User's last name
In Progress, Completed, Redoing
Passed / Failed
Number of attempts (if allowed)
Time taken to complete (hh:mm:ss)
User's score expressed as a percentage
Last update
Date & time when the last story attempt was completed
Exporting Group Logs means that you are exporting users from all groups and comparing content/pathway records.
The export is delivered in a .csv format and contains the following data:
Firstname - User's first name
Lastname - User's last name
Age - User's age (if supplied)
Email - User's email address
Telephone - User's telephone number (if supplied)
Country - User's country of origin
City - User's city of origin
Registered - Date and time of user's account registration/sign up
Group Status - Active or Nudged
Groups - List of all groups a user has been added to
Status - Started (the user has opened the content/pathway), In Progress (the user has at least completed 1 page/activity), Complete, or Empty.
Progress - Percentage completed
Last Update - Date and time of user's last recorded activity
User rows with an empty status mean they have not opened or engaged with the content/pathway.
Open Analytics and select Groups.
Select the first group icon, top right.
Set the preferred format and content types. The Format Options include Grouped Logs (Default), which formats the logs by group, and Inline Logs, which lists content types in a column. Choose the Content Types that should be included in your export of logs.
Select Export to download the group logs.
To see a specific release/build, you can select one using the filter option. By default, all builds are loaded for analysis.
Next to the question title you can see the range of builds being displayed.
Highest Mark
Highest mark achieved by a user
Average Mark
User average
Lowest Mark
Lowest mark achieved by a user
Average Time
Average time required to complete the story
Lowest Mark
Lowest mark achieved by a user, per chapter
Average Score
Average score, per chapter
Highest Score
Highest score achieved, per chapter
Select View Log via the cogwheel icon to see the exact logs uploaded from the user's app.
View Log
Time taken to complete each page
Total score, max score and percentage
Delete Story Data
When last the log was updated
Delete App Data
Delete a user's complete story logs (for all stories)
Logs are captured depending on how & where the platform app is used.
The group export logs show an empty status if a user has not started the content, i.e. not interacted with the content yet.
One Device This is the most common scenario - someone signs into a single device and starts interacting with the content. The logs are uploaded as stories and streams are completed/viewed.
Multiple Devices As soon as a user starts a story, their logs are sent to the server. The server considers the latest timestamp on uploaded logs to be the master log. This allows multi-device transitions to work seamlessly. If users are logged into any other devices and have the app open, the devices will listen for the latest logs (chapters, pages, story). If they switch to another device and continue the story there, the story will open where the user left off.
Multiple Attempts If multiple attempts are allowed, a user can complete a story and then re-do it. The latest completion results will be stored in the story logs. If they have already completed the story and are then busy re-doing it, the logs will reflect the first attempt until the second attempt is completed.
If multiple attempts are not allowed, the user can complete the story and then view the story again (but can't re-do any of the activities again).
The platform will always bookmark the user's last position in a story/stream. This means that when re-doing a story the last position is the last page.
If users choose to re-do a story on one device and then remove the story before completing it, they can start the story again on another device and will be able to pick up where they left off before removing the story.
The platform allows users to switch between multiple devices and pick up where they left off. Logs are synced across devices to ensure a user can pick up where they left off.
Once all pages in a chapter are completed, the chapter is set to Complete" Once all chapters are completed, the story is set to Completed.
Check story logs in Analytics and check for any mismatch in log & meta when viewing log.
If the meta and log match, it's likely that the user has not completed the entire story. The user must then be directed to complete the story.
If there is a mismatch, then the "Force Status" option can be used. If the support team feels that there is an issue, they can ask the user to submit an app debug report.
When a debug report is filed, the Enterprise account will receive the report. Using this report, the Enterprise support team can then compare what is on the device to what has been recorded on analytics:
Check the debug report against the logs in analytics.
If there the debug logs don't match up with the analytic logs, then the "Force Status" option can be used to match the device logs.
If the device logs match the analytic logs, the user must then be directed to complete the story.
If the device logs look incorrect or neither of the steps assists with the issue, then go to step 5.
Go through the story to see if you can replicate the issue. If an issue occurs, submit a debug report from the app and escalate to GitHub with the link, else proceed to step 6.
Ask the user to redo the story. If issues still occur ask them to resubmit a debug report and escalate to GitHub with a report link.
The app debug report allows the user to briefly describe their issue.
The user must submit the debug report from the device where the issue occurred.
Error logs are captured in the debug report which is used for technical stack tracing.
Debug reports show library items and story logs which assist in fixing analytic logs.
Full chapter logs will only synchronise with the platform once completed on the user's device.
From Analytics, you can export logs per .
When users report a story log discrepancy, the first line of support will be the assigned by the account holder. The support team should: